Форекс Брокеры

Как вести дневник трейдера + 5 инструментов для учета сделок

Упорядочивает мысли, успокаивает нервы, закрепляет нужную информацию. Важные контрольные параметры, диаграммы, графики различных зависимостей, сводные таблицы и многое другое. Кроме развития дисциплины и других полезных качеств трейдера, инструмент способен выполнять полезную функцию — привлекать инвесторов. Если у вас небольшой капитал, получить деньги от других сложно — ваши успехи кажутся для инвестора незначительными. Показав записи, докажете цифрами, возможный объем и скорость заработка для вкладчика. Ну, для этого не достаточно просто купить и продать пару акций или криптовалют и ждать, когда же звёзды на небе выстроятся в вашу пользу. Как использовать статистику для улучшения трейдинга Преимущество метода — сохраняется скриншот графика. Сможете в любой момент вернуться к сделке визуально, а не на словах разбирать причины входа. Для пользования Google-документами должен быть создан email в сервисе gmail.com. Чтобы пользоваться инструментом онлайн, нажмите кнопку «Создать копию» или «Сохранить на диске» — файл скопируется в Google Drive. Изучение сделок и анализ статистики трейдера Одиночные трейдеры же пользуются журналами, которые можно скачать бесплатно в Excel, специально разработанными для этого программами, либо онлайн-сервисами. Благодаря посделочной фиксации данных, вы сможете проанализировать свои действия в случае неудач, что позволит не совершать аналогичных ошибок в будущем. В крупных компаниях ведением подобной статистики занимаются целые отделы. Все графики и таблицы перестраиваются, если изменяются отмеченные чекбоксы в фильтрах, а значит вы наглядно увидите, как изменилась бы ваша торговля, если исключить из нее какие либо параметры. Помимо этого, ваша статистика — это не просто собрание данных, это ваш капитал для обучения. Проанализируйте свои ошибки и найдите способы их исправления. Инструменты Итак, если вы хотите поднять свою игру на новый уровень, не задумывайтесь. Вести дневник — это как читать трейдерский “Кодекс самурая”. Он делает вас дисциплинированным, обучает мыслить критически и помогает анализировать не только рынок, но и себя — вашу психологию, ваши страхи и ожидания. С дневником вы не просто трейдер; вы трейдер, который знает, что делает, и делает это с разумом и расчетом. Не упускайте шанс стать лучше — начните вести торговый дневник трейдера уже сегодня. Хватит откладывать успех на завтра, когда он может начаться уже сейчас. Цифры выдуманы и не являются реальной сделкой. Итак, готовы ли вы создать инструмент, который сделает ваш торговый план более осознанным и, возможно, более прибыльным? Эти функции позволяют вам прогнозировать различные рыночные ситуации и оценить, как они могут повлиять на вашу производительность. Незаменимым элементом любого трейдера является психологический дневник. Внешний вид TradersDiaries ориентирован на активных трейдеров. Со временем можно перейти на специализированные программы и приложения, которые автоматически собирают данные из вашего торгового терминала. Журнал торговца Forex Возможно, я проигнорировал какие-то сигналы или переоценил риск. Так или иначе, я стараюсь быть к себе честным и не упускать возможность для самосовершенствования. Если сделка не удалась, это не конец света; это шанс стать лучше и добиться maximarkets мошенники успеха. Так что, разбираем все до мелочей, записываем в дневник и делаем выводы. Есть множество отличных инструментов и шаблонов, которые помогут вам организовать дневник. Для начала работы следует произвести ввод средств, сделать это можно нажав на «Сделки» и выбрав подменю «Ввод средств» после вписываем сумму аналогичную той, что находится на вашем реальном счете. Первый месяц пользования сервисом предоставляется безвозмездно, далее можно оформить полугодовую, либо годовую подписку. Кроме того, здесь вы сможете видеть свои открытые и закрытые позиции, а также отслеживать изменения по графику доходности за весь период работы. При помощи этого сервиса вы сможете вернуться к любой сделке, совершенной в прошлом, просмотрев все детали. А вот здесь и кроется главная ошибка многих трейдеров. Дневник позволяет не просто фиксировать сделки или эмоции (хотя это тоже важно), но и анализировать, на что именно стоит обратить внимание. Не понимая своих ошибок, вы обречены их повторять. А в трейдинге это стоит денег, иногда — очень больших. Внешний вид TradersDiaries ориентирован на активных трейдеров. Дневник инвестора отвечает на вопрос “Как менялся мой портфель или счет? Торговый журнал или дневник – важный инструмент для каждого трейдера, который хочет стать профессионалом и добиться успеха. Ведь он позволит видеть свои ошибки, бороться с ними, а также грамотно планировать сделки и строить свою уникальную стратегию ведения торгов. Дневник сделок трейдера предназначен для отслеживания результатов торговли на определенных периодах. Это позволит не зацикливаться на конкретном прибыльном или убыточном ордере, а оценивать эффективность торговой стратегии по ряду контрактов. Устраните их, примените новые стратегии и смотрите, как ваша статистика улучшается. В торговле на финансовых рынках каждая секунда на вес золота. Если вы думаете, что работа заканчивается в тот момент, когда звонок на бирже говорит “Хватит на сегодня! Сбор статистики в отдельный Excel-файл предусмотрено терминалом, нужно лишь правильно это настроить. Нам понадобится установленный терминал и пустой журнал, который можно найти в интернете. С 2014 года он успешно торгует на Форексе и с 2017 года активно участвует в криптовалютном рынке. Если вы желаете https://maximarkets.finance/ поддержать блог, можете отправить данный материал друзьям, для этого кликайте кнопки соц сетей в конце статьи, может кто-то из них еще не завел себе дневник торговца. Начнем с фьючерсов, а именно с терминала Quik. Идеи поступают онлайн и доступны внутри Дневника бесплатно. Сигналы можно обсудить с автором или другими трейдерами в чате. Первый шаг — это реализация вашего “лучшего сценария”. Если, скажем, вы заметили, что торговля во время обеда не приносит вам прибыли, измените свой торговый график. Если какой-то индикатор не работает, отбросьте его без жалости. Никто не застрахован от неудач и ошибок, и часто они стоят дорого. Скажем, вы хотите узнать, что произойдет с вашим портфелем, если процент успешных сделок увеличится на 5%? EdgeWonk покажет вам прогноз на основе вашей прошлой деятельности. Эта возможность “поиграть” с данными не просто интересна, она дает ценные инсайты для оптимизации торговой стратегии. Если вы стремитесь к тщательному, научному подходу в трейдинге, EdgeWonk будет отличным выбором. Последнее подразумевает указание ошибок и, по возможности, их причин, либо то, почему позиция была удачной. Итак, начнем с того, что статистика дисциплинированного трейдера должна в подробностях фиксироваться не только по торговым дням или сессиям, но и по каждой совершенной сделке. Дневник трейдера ведет каждый профессиональный участник рынка, вне зависимости от того, чем он торгует – валютой или опционами. Понимаю, это звучит скучно, однако без систематизации и записей, хотя бы минимальных, будет неимоверно сложно управляться с объемом получаемой информации. Самые важные

AI Chatbot News

Intercom Vs Zendesk: A Comprehensive Comparison Of Support Solutions

Intercom Vs Zendesk: Pricing, Features, Integrations in 2023 The overall sentiment from users indicates a satisfactory level of support, although opinions vary. Zendesk is a customer service software offering a comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions. It integrates customer support, sales, and marketing communications, aiming to improve client relationships. Known for its scalability, Zendesk is suitable for various business sizes, from startups to large corporations. ThriveDesk empowers small businesses to manage real-time customer communications. The product has an elegant, minimalist design implemented in Ruby on Rails and provide… This site does not include all software companies or all available software companies offers. However, this is somewhat subjective, and depending on your business needs and favorite tools, you may argue we got it all mixed up, and Intercom is truly superior. Some startups and small businesses may prefer one app, while large companies and enterprise operations will have their own requirements. When it comes to ease-of-use, Zendesk undeniably takes the lead over Intercom. Zendesk’s intuitive design caters to beginners and non-technical users, offering a seamless experience right from the start. Generally, humans can’t handle this volume of exchange, that’s why help desk software was made. Formerly known as Insights, Zendesk now uses Explore to provide analytics to help businesses tailor their services to increase customer satisfaction. Intercom Inbox has features that vaguely remind Zendesk Support, but the offered package Acquire customer (Messages and Inbox) is more paralleled with Zendesk Support + Chat. Zendesk outshines Intercom for customer support workflows with its core feature, the ticketing system. Winner — Intercom edges out Zendesk here due mainly to its customizable workflow capabilities. When it comes to which company is the better fit for your business, there’s no clear answer. It really depends on what features you need and what type of customer service strategy you plan to implement. When it comes to advanced workflows and ticketing systems, Zendesk boasts a more full-featured solution. Due to our intelligent routing capabilities and numerous automated workflows, our users can free up hours to focus on other tasks. No Code Platforms Their chat widget looks and works great, and they invest a lot of effort to make it a modern, convenient customer communication tool. Zendesk also has an Answer Bot, which instantly takes your knowledge base game to the next level. It can automatically suggest relevant articles for agents during business hours to share with clients, reducing your support agents’ workload. For small companies and startups, Zendesk offers a six-month free trial of up to 50 agents redeemable for any combination of Zendesk Support and Sell products. Using Zendesk, you can create community forums where customers can connect, comment, and collaborate, creating a way to harness customers’ expertise and promote feedback. Community managers can also escalate posts to support agents when one-on-one help is needed. Intercom allows visitors to search for and view articles from the messenger widget. The company was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Intercom’s products are used by over 25,000 customers, from small tech startups to large enterprises. Novo has been a Zendesk customer since 2019 but didn’t immediately start taking full advantage of all our features and capabilities. Here are our top reporting and analytics features and an overview of where Intercom’s reporting limitations lie. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. The cheapest plan for small businesses – Starter – costs $89 monthly, including 2 seats and 1,000 people reached/mo. Each additional 1,000 contacts on a Starter plan will cost you $25/mo. User experience: Zendesk Vs. Intercom Intercom feels more wholesome and is more client-success-oriented, but it can be too costly for smaller companies. You can create dozens of articles in a simple, intuitive WYSIWYG text editor, divide them by categories and sections, and customize with your custom themes. When comparing the user interfaces (UI) of Zendesk and Intercom, both platforms exhibit distinct characteristics and strengths catering to different user preferences and needs. Yes, you can integrate the Intercom solution into your Zendesk account. It will allow you to leverage some Intercom capabilities while keeping your account at the time-tested platform. In this paragraph, let’s explain some common issues that users usually ask about when choosing between Zendesk and Intercom platforms. What can be really inconvenient about Zendesk is how their tools integrate with each other when you need to use them simultaneously. While the pricing can be flexible, it may become more costly as your organization’s requirements and usage increase. Hivers offers round-the-clock proactive support across all its plans, ensuring that no matter the time or issue, expert assistance is always available. This 24/7 support model is designed to provide continuous, real-time solutions to clients, enhancing the overall reliability and responsiveness of Hivers’ services. As for the category of voice and phone features, Zendesk is a clear winner. Zendesk Support has voicemail, text messages, and embedded voice, and it displays the phone number on the widget. However, we will say that Intercom just edges past Zendesk when it comes to self-service resources. Both products are so full-featured that they both take quite a while to learn. Finally, we also have some B2B customers (funeral homes) and expect this part of our business to grow significantly in 2021. Zendesk offers a free 30-day trial, after which customers will need to upgrade to one of their paid plans. Businesses of all sizes can rely on the Zendesk customer service platform and benefit from workflow management, powerful AI tools, robust insights, and more. If that sounds good to you, sign up for a free demo to see our software in action and get started. Intercom enables customers to self-serve through its messaging platform. This exploration aims to provide a detailed comparison, aiding businesses in making an informed decision that aligns with their customer service goals. Both Zendesk and Intercom offer robust solutions, but the choice ultimately depends on specific business needs. While both platforms have a significant presence in the industry,


Risk Management In Brokerage Business

Content A Guide to Hybrid Forex Broker Setup 2025 Risk Identification and Assessment Best Practices for Third-Party Risk Management Broker-Dealer Compliance Ready to learn more about Aclaimant and its insight-driven workflow solutions? With an abundance of technology providers out there, you need to pick the right one for your business. An experienced and thoughtful provider will make your life easier and better, and a less reliable one can turn it into a nightmare. These limits should be aligned with the brokerage’s risk appetite and financial capacity. Once risks are identified and assessed, implementing effective https://www.xcritical.com/ risk mitigation strategies becomes paramount. These strategies are designed to reduce both the likelihood and impact of identified risks, ensuring the brokerage’s stability and resilience. A Guide to Hybrid Forex Broker Setup 2025 Broker-dealers must be prepared to continue operations in the face of disruptive events, whether natural disasters or man-made crises. This might involve maintaining backup data centers or establishing protocols for remote work. However, most brokers risk control broker face server and availability issues for 30 minutes to 2 hours a year. Risk Identification and Assessment The 24-hour risk advisory offering is separate and iSAM Securities can work with brokers using different bridge and hosting vendors. Full support during the onboarding process including integration (if required), testing and training. “With XplorRisk we are adding value Initial coin offering to our offering, helping clients to optimize their trading operations. We have a Jira ticket system 24/7 available for our clients with a fast turnaround and a dedicated account manager who facilitates the resolution of any issues. Clients can request tailored reports, dashboards, and customized alerts according to their needs. Best Practices for Third-Party Risk Management Broker-Dealer Compliance A well-designed AML program is only as effective as the controls in place to mitigate the identified risks, underscoring the need for financial institutions to implement and maintain robust anti-money laundering controls. To guarantee program effectiveness, firms must establish AML metrics to measure the performance of their controls. Staying on top of TPRM regulations and following these best practices will take some effort, but broker-dealers have a lot to gain by implementing a compliant program. Aside from meeting regulatory requirements, broker-dealers will have an effective strategy for keeping their firms and clients protected against third-party risks and minimizing operational disruptions. One of the unique features of Your Bourse’s Risk Management System is the ability to work with resting orders through our proprietary Matching Engine. Brokers can choose to utilize only the simple B book features, without having to license the more advanced features. This is a competitive strength of Dealio—we go the extra mile to customize our offerings to meet the specific needs of each client. Furthermore, we also constantly add additional features to the system which are made available across the entire customer base. Advocating for sound regulatory frameworks and market practices helps discourage excessive leverage and fosters transparency. The B-book or market maker (MM) is a model of risk management in brokerage firms, where the broker serves as a liquidity provider for a client transaction that does not reach the interbank. Unlike A-Book, the FX B-book model does not imply overlapping trades via liquidity providers. Thus, a B-book broker bears the responsibility to the client with their own funds, i.e. the client’s profit is the broker’s loss and vice versa. This, however, begs the question of the proper handling of performing clients, so that sudden, unexpected market movements do not put the company out of business altogether. Our team is ready to provide detailed advice on the basics of Forex broker risk management with the help of Soft-FX technologies. The hybrid model, for that matter, offers brokers the flexibility to decide which trade goes through MM and which is processed internally. However, this brings into discussion a toxic flow, which represents profitable traders diverted to liquidity providers. In response, brokers can implement tools that balance out good and non-profitable traders’ attributions and mitigate high exposure of toxic flows to liquidity providers. This allows the broker to improve risk management, its product, and, most importantly, to increase profitability. Founded in 2017, Your Bourse is a London-based company founded by the former founder and owner of Alpari Group, Andrey Vedikhin, who is now the co-CEO alongside Elina Pedersen. Your Bourse provides a Platform-as-a-Service solution for FX, CFD and crypto liquidity management, data analytics, reporting and risk management solutions to the retail brokerage and institutional marketplace. With TFB’s solution, we work hard to provide well-rounded risk management that covers all aspects and workflows in the brokerage, ensuring the stability of operations. Brokeree Solutions offers a wide range of plugins and tools for MetaTrader trading platforms for automated/passive risk management, starting from client exposure to post execution hedging. The tools are all coming as individual solutions that can be used independently from each other. Your Bourse enables brokers to operate with predictable profitability using the tools included in our technology solution. With its help, brokers can evaluate and promptly react to the current situation and trading flow. Thus, Risk Management technology from Your Bourse ensures the stability of a broker’s income regardless of the market situation. Built on Kdb+, the most powerful Kdb+ time series database, our highly scalable, cloud-hosted SaaS platform provides real-time analytics empowering brokers to profitably navigate an increasingly challenging trading landscape. Everyone talks about a custom approach to every client, and working with multiple platforms is a great way to put that into practice. The small-to-midsize business probably doesn’t deploy all the technologies that would be beneficial and effective, and there’s probably no clear path for them to reach this state without hands-on guidance. It means setting strict entry and exit points, stop-loss orders, and taking profits at predetermined levels without being swayed by greed or fear. Headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus, Dealio proudly serves a distinguished clientele of brokers in the renowned fintech hub and beyond. PriceOn™️ will intake flow that cannot be profitably B Booked and price it accurately and aggressively, whilst monetizing it


Cost-Benefit Analysis SpringerLink

Since costing methods differ from organization to organization, it’s not clear how these costs might manifest themselves until a specific firm is examined. Contrasted with general accounting or financial accounting, the cost accounting method is an internally focused, firm-specific system used to estimate cost control, inventory, and profitability. Cost accounting can be much more flexible and specific, particularly when it comes to the subdivision of costs and inventory valuation. Unfortunately, this complexity-increasing auditing risk tends to be more expensive and its effectiveness is limited to the talent and accuracy of a firm’s practitioners. Ex ante CBA helps determine the go/no-go decision and allows a company to better allocate resources. The downside is that the expected benefits and expected costs are based on forecasts which may turn out to be inaccurate. After deciding on the above considerations, it is then time to economically analyze the direct and indirect benefits as well as the direct and indirect costs (including opportunity costs). This approach computes the present worth of future cash flows by adjusting them to today’s value and subtracting the initial investment. Gather Accurate Data Another intangible benefit might be taking market share aware from a competitor. For a company to create value for its stakeholders, it must invest in beneficial projects. After a thorough consideration of all of the benefits and costs, the company can then make the determination whether the project will add value. But there tends to be five vital steps (or variations of these steps) that most will follow when carrying out the analysis. Overall, the choice of CBA type depends on the specific context and objectives of the analysis. By selecting the appropriate type of CBA, decision-makers can ensure that the analysis provides relevant and accurate information to inform decision-making. Evaluate different scenarios or options in the context of their respective cost-benefit analyses. Understanding Cost-Benefit Analysis: Definition, Benefits, and Best Practices A cost-benefit analysis balances the cost of an action against its potential benefits, providing a clear financial comparison to guide decision-making. With so many complex factors to identify and monetize, it can be hard to know which costs and benefits to focus on first – or how to accurately quantify them. A cost-benefit analysis enables firms to compare several projects based on their net monetary benefits, prompting them to invest in the project yielding the highest cost-benefit. From these data, it is clear that CVG has benefited economically from its solid waste reduction programs. This decision is made by gathering information on the costs and benefits of that project. Outline the objectives, the timeline and the specific activities involved. Now, list out all the potential costs – think materials, labor, time, and benefits, like increased revenue, efficiency gains, or intangible perks. This could involve techniques such as scenario analysis or sensitivity analysis. If geographically dispersed stakeholders or groups will be affected by the decision being analyzed, make sure to build that into the framework upfront, to avoid surprises down the road. Whether it’s a board of directors, a team of executives, or another decision-making body, make sure your presentation of findings resonates with their priorities and concerns. Average annual costs amounted to $16,440 per year, while benefits equaled $1,308,865 per year. Therefore, net savings from CVG’s solid waste reduction program amounted to $1,292,425 per year. Fourthly, CBA traditionally uses a static analysis that assumes that costs and benefits are constant over time. However, there is a need to develop new methods the main goal of using a cost-benefit analysis is to reach a for dynamic analysis that take into account changing costs and benefits over time. Another challenge of CBA is that it relies on assumptions about the future, which can be uncertain. Decisions made based on CBA may not take into account long-term costs or benefits that are difficult to predict, which can affect the accuracy of the analysis.


Plans & Pricing

Unlike Quicken, which is more suited for personal finance management, QuickBooks Online offers a comprehensive set of tools tailored for business accounting. This platform allows users to track sales, expenses and profits in real time, providing a clear financial picture at any moment. Its integration with numerous business applications and banking systems makes it highly efficient for managing cash flow and payroll. QuickBooks is an accounting software program that offers a variety of features to help small businesses manage their finances. The software can be used to track income and expenses, create invoices and receipts, and generate financial reports. When it comes to small business bookkeeping, I see QuickBooks Online as the clear choice. More about Accounting Whether you run a small business or do some freelancing on the side, accounting software is a must-have tool to keep your finances in order. One popular option is Quicken, which has been in the personal finance management game since 1983. Since then, its offerings have expanded into business as well, with features like business document storage, asset management and custom reports for tax schedules. While Quicken serves personal finance primarily, Xero targets small businesses. Financial success starts with the right plan I appreciate that you can access it from any browser without needing to download or install anything, making it a hassle-free choice. Its design also prioritizes business income and expense tracking, which aligns seamlessly with the needs of most small businesses. QuickBooks Online, on the other hand, is significantly more expensive—its Simple Start plan costs about three times as much as Quicken Home & Business. Decimal is great if you’re looking to quickly access your business records. Maximize deductions with built-in reports for profit & loss, balance sheet, cash flows, and all the tax schedules you need, including schedules C & E. If you’ve already been doing this, my advice is that you stop immediately. If the small business you keep the books for owes payroll tax money it can’t repay, I suggest you confer with a tax attorney. I’ve seen how its built-in tools—like QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks Time, QuickBooks Payments, and QuickBooks Bill Pay—make managing various aspects of a business seamless. On top of that, you can integrate apps like Shopify and Square to streamline ecommerce operations, which adds significant value for online businesses. Over 20 million better financial lives built, and counting It also prepopulates business-related tax schedules and tracks tenant payments, which saves plenty of time. Comparing Quicken and QuickBooks is a bit like comparing apples and oranges. Both are financial management tools and even share a few features and functions, but the two software programs are built for entirely different uses. While Quicken offers four different subscription packages for users, the Home & Business package is likely to be the one most relevant for entrepreneurs. Monitoring alerts, data downloads, and feature updates are available through the end of your membership term. Buy QuickBooks as a desktop program or as part of an online program. Starting at $35 per month (50 percent ff for the first three months), QuickBooks Online offers features, such as a more robust mobile app, real-time collaboration and access on the go. If you want the perks of having a CFO on board without having to pay their hefty salary, look for an online bookkeeping service that offers CFO-like capabilities. While we like it for this option in particular, if you’re looking for a more traditional bookkeeping service, Bookkeeper360 excels here, too. If you’re looking to spend a bit more for additional services, you can opt for the Controller or Fractional CFO packages for more hands-on service. If you’re not sure your business needs round-the-clock bookkeeping services and instead you’d prefer to opt for an as-you-go plan, we like Bookkeeper360. Get a better handle on your household spending with Quicken’s personal finance management tools. Whether you’re creating a budget, managing your bills, or planning for your retirement, it has the features you need to reach your goal. However, a few said that they dislike that Quicken’s service is billed annually. Others complained about issues with updating software and connecting bank accounts and lamented the fact that it doesn’t offer a mobile app. QuickBooks Online takes the lead when it comes to mobile app features. Its app is a fully functional, standalone tool quicken bookkeeping that lets you handle tasks like invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting directly from your phone or tablet. If you’re a new bookkeeper for a business that uses Quicken accounting software, you could probably use a bit of help and encouragement. You’ll get features including personalized financial planning, quarterly reviews, and proactive tax planning and advice. It also prepopulates business-related tax schedules and tracks tenant payments, which saves plenty of time. Deep dive into your cash flows, profit & loss, investments, debt, asset accounts, and more. Quicken Review: Features, Pricing & Alternatives Specifically, I will explain what you should know about your computer, Windows, and Quicken. And I can explain how you should perform some of the standard small business financial recordkeeping. Yes, Quicken is less expensive than QuickBooks at prices that range from $5.99 to $10.99 per month, billed annually. QuickBooks charges $35 to $235 monthly, depending on the features and number of users you need. Its range of options make it a solid pick for those looking for cleanup bookkeeping. We protect your data and transmit it securely from your financial institutions into Quicken with robust 256-bit encryption. If you want to learn more about all the ways your data is protected with us, click here. Nelson is a certified public accountant and a member of both the Washington Society of CPAs and the American Institute of CPAs. Stephen L. Nelson is the author of more than two dozen best-selling books, including Quicken for Dummies and QuickBooks for Dummies. If you’re interested in learning more about doing your bookkeeping with Quicken, feel free to contact us.


Yield Farming In Defi What’s, How Does It Work, And Primary Protocols

Derivatives are monetary contracts that derive their worth defi yield farming development from underlying belongings. In this article, you’ll find out about its use in DeFi, allowing you to create different investment methods for your crypto journey. Yield Farmers have to lock their tokens inside a protocol to apply their technique, which implies that these tokens are many times subjected to cost volatility. The farming transaction includes digital transaction protocols between a couple of anonymous parties with no central enforcement physique. Which Yield Farming Protocol To Decide On LPs deposit the equal value of two tokens to create a market. In trade for offering liquidity, LPs earn fees from the trades that occur of their pool. Maker is a decentralized credit platform that supports the creation of DAI, a stablecoin algorithmically pegged to the worth of USD. What Is Yield Farming Vs Staking? We already coated the Balancer hack in a previous article, and we’ll dig into the opposite dangers in future articles. For now, simply know that you could earn larger interest rates in DeFi because it’s frankly a riskier place to put your cash. There is not any FDIC protection, and rates of interest can differ week-to-week and even day-to-day, so calculating how much curiosity you’ll earn over a yr can be difficult. Rates are typically better on Aave as a result of it provides each a variable interest rate and a steady one. The Function Of Sensible Contracts In Yield Farming Development This document will function a roadmap for the DeFi yield farming good contract development course of. Farming aggregators streamline the yield farming course of by routinely optimizing strategies throughout multiple protocols. These platforms leverage automation to maximize returns by shifting funds between totally different farming opportunities, offering users with a convenient and environment friendly method to farm. The position of sensible contracts in yield farming growth is pivotal, as these self-executing programs underpin the whole technical infrastructure of decentralized finance. Smart contracts automate intricate processes within yield farming, executing actions like staking, and reward distribution with precision and transparency. Impermanent Loss And Impact On Returns Because stablecoins are supposed to hold their same price, stablecoin yield farming is generally rather less dangerous. This makes Curve one of the favorites for liquidity providers trying to reduce hypothesis. Yield farmers can place one coin or token as collateral on the mortgage and then use the borrowed cash for different purposes like providing liquidity, lending to another person, or staking. This kind of yield farming is most profitable when the collateral increases in value and the borrowed cryptocurrency generates income as well. While the yield farming process varies from protocol to protocol, it generally includes liquidity providers, additionally called yield farmers, depositing tokens in a DeFi utility. Funds locked are converted to yTokens that periodically rebalance to maximise profit. With over 11bn UST deposited, users are clearly ready to leap via these hoops to earn 20% APY, but how many stop to contemplate how that return on a Stablecoin is sustainable? Depending on your jurisdiction, the tax implications may be complicated. The possibility for cheap and borderless transactions pushed the creation of startups that attempted to mimic banks and monetary brokers. Liquidity suppliers don’t lose their unique deposit and earn passive earnings through the fees. In essence, yield farming is a profit-maximizing technique used in Decentralized Finance (DeFi). By ‘locking’ or ‘staking’ cryptocurrencies in a protocol, yield farmers can earn curiosity for offering liquidity to buying and selling pairs or supporting other activities within a DeFi protocol. Compound is an algorithmic money market that enables customers to lend and borrow belongings. Anyone with an Ethereum wallet can contribute assets to Compound’s liquidity pool and earn rewards that begin compounding immediately. The charges are adjusted algorithmically based mostly on supply and demand. Ultimate Thoughts – What’s The Way Forward For Yield Farming Like dividend payouts, in case the price per asset grows, the yield paid in your cryptocurrency provides users with new tokens; they price more money. Millions of recent traders are interested in using this reward system. Farming contracts employ robust locking mechanisms that outline the phrases and circumstances for customers participating in yield farming. This includes specifying the period for which assets are locked, creating a dedication that aligns with the platform’s aims. Each farming type provides a novel strategy to producing yield, allowing users to tailor their methods based mostly on threat tolerance, capital allocation preferences, and particular platform options. Why Multi-chain Help Is Essential In Defi Wallet Growth LP tokens characterize users’ possession of liquidity in decentralized exchanges and are typically rewarded with extra tokens for offering this liquidity. While changing into a leverage trading LP introduces the risk of changing into first-loss capital, it decreases the possibilities of impermanent loss that conventional liquidity pools experience. Yield farming depends on good contracts, that are subject to potential vulnerabilities and exploits. Bugs or security vulnerabilities in sensible contracts can lead to monetary loss, together with the loss of deposited funds and earned rewards. It’s important to evaluate the safety and audit the protocols you choose to take part in and train caution. Staking entails locking up a certain amount of coins in a blockchain to help assist the security and operation of a blockchain community. Token rewards can be used as incentives to LPs when they’re provided. Yield Farming turned well-liked with the discharge of Compound’s COMP governance token. When word obtained out that farmers may reap Annual Percentage Yields (APY) over 100 percent, things took off. At present, there may be over $4.5 billion Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi in accordance with DeFi Pulse. One thing any skilled can inform you for positive is that you’d better avoid blindly depositing cash on the first website you find. There is another dimension to security that relates to being scammed or hacked. In the identical means droughts, pests, and floods can wreck a real farmer’s crops, there are factors in DeFi that may wreak havoc on a Yield


Gross Profit Margin Ratio Formula Percentage Example Calculation

Service-based industries tend to have higher gross margins and gross profit margins because they don’t have large amounts of COGS. The gross margin for manufacturing companies will be lower because they have larger COGS. Profit margin is one of the simplest and most widely used financial ratios in corporate finance. Compare to peers and the industry or sector average Regardless of where the company sits, it’s important for business owners to review their competition as well as their own annual profit margins to ensure they’re on solid ground. By dividing operating profit by revenue, this mid-level profitability margin reflects the percentage of each gross margin accounting dollar that remains after payment for all expenses necessary to keep the business running. Operating profit is a slightly more complex metric, which also accounts for all overhead, operating, administrative, and sales expenses necessary to run the business on a day-to-day basis. Then, divide this figure by the total revenue for the period and multiply by 100 to get the percentage. The formula to calculate the gross margin is equal to gross profit divided by net revenue. Reducing costs or expenses can significantly improve a company’s gross margin. The easiest way to calculate gross profit margin is to use accounting software. The gross margin and the net margin, or net profit margin, are frequently used in tandem to provide a comprehensive look at a company’s financial health. Comparative Analysis She has several different lines of clothing and has proven to be one of the most successful brands in her space. Since COGS were already taken into account, the remaining funds are available to be used to pay operating expenses (OpEx), interest expenses, and taxes. Taken altogether, the gross margin can provide valuable insights to investors and researchers. So, as you can see, Proctor and Gamble’s gross margin is positioned between these two peers and well above the sector average. Based on this information, it’s safe to say PG’s gross margin is relatively solid. What can you learn from calculating gross margin ratio? The right expense tracker helps you catch excess expenses so you can stay on top of your operating costs. Consider how you can use marketing strategies to find new customers or increase the purchase volume of existing customers. Also, the gross profit margin can be computed as 1 − Cost of sales ratio. To calculate gross margin, here are the gross margin formula to follow and an example scenario that will make it easier for you to understand the concept. Another way to increase sales is through promotional campaigns such as discounts or special offers that can incentivize buying behavior. By analyzing trends in sales volume, pricing strategies or cost-reduction initiatives can be implemented to maximize profits while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction. Government regulations, tariffs, and trade barriers can influence the cost structure. For example, tariffs on imported goods can increase the COGS, reducing the gross profit. We’re firm believers in the Golden Rule, which is why editorial opinions are ours alone and have not been previously reviewed, approved, or endorsed by included advertisers. The Ascent, a Motley Fool service, does not cover all offers on the market. For instance, imagine a small retail store that purchases inventory from multiple suppliers. By negotiating better deals with suppliers, it can reduce its COGS, increasing gross margin without affecting product quality. For example, if you own a clothing store, offering a discount on winter coats at the start of fall can drive seasonal sales and boost gross profit and overall revenue. Gross margin is commonly presented as a percentage, allowing for easy comparison of a company’s performance against its industry peers or historical data. COGS is the cost of goods sold and is subtracted from revenue to get the gross margin, which is then divided by the revenue to get the ratio amount. Gross margin alone specifies how much profit a firm makes after deducting the costs from the revenue generated. Connect to hundreds of services and APIs directly and build highly customizable dashboards and reports for your team and clients. One of the most important small business accounting tasks any small business owner should be doing is using various calculations that provide insight into how your business is performing financially. A low ratio indicates that the seller makes little profit while incurring high costs. It is an excellent long-term choice to redesign items such that they employ less costly parts or are less expensive to manufacture. Comparison With Industry Averages This includes not only COGS and operational expenses, as referenced above, but also payments on debts, taxes, one-time expenses or payments, and any income from investments or secondary operations. The gross margin ratio measures the amount of funds retained after products and services have been sold. The gross margin ratio is important because it focuses strictly on product/service profitability, essentially letting you know if you’re making enough money from selling your products and services. A high gross margin percentage reflects positively on businesses as it implies the company effectively manages its production costs and generates a significant profit from its core operations. Increase Efficiency Healthy revenue streams are indicative of robust sales, effective marketing, and a product or service that resonates with the target audience. Furthermore, stakeholders, from investors to creditors, closely scrutinize gross margin. Its trends can influence investment decisions, credit terms, and even the company’s valuation. For example, if the gross margin is decreasing, it could mean the cost of production has grown, or the company has offered more discounts recently. Gross margin provides a helpful way for businesses to track production efficiency over time.

Sober living

Maverick House Tavern, Boston Menu, Reviews 182, Photos 58

Sober House Directory is a helpful starting place to find a recovery home and includes listings for sober houses, recovery residences, structured group homes, and other sober living for men and women in recovery. We were founded jointly by Vanderburgh House, an operator of sober houses in Massachusetts, and Vanderburgh Communities, an organization supporting sober living and recovery home operators. We’re expanding across the United States as our resources permit! Maverick House: East Boston’s Famous Hotel Maverick House Tavern is a delightful restaurant, perfect for those with layovers at Logan or looking for a meal before or after a flight. Known for its great burgers and friendly staff, including the owner, it’s a welcoming spot with outdoor seating that’s enjoyable in the summer. Trivia nights are a hit, making it a well-rounded local favorite, even worth a parking ticket. The opening of the Maverick House Hotel in 1835 marked the start of commercial development of East Boston. The hotel structure dominated Maverick Square and was named for Samuel Maverick, one of the original settlers of the area now called East Boston. These homes allow for independence while guided by a set of recovery-focused house rules, standards, and expectations. Visit the Vanderburgh House website to learn more about their sober homes. Sober living houses also called sober homes and sober living environments, are facilities that provide safe housing and supportive, structured living conditions for people exiting drug rehabilitation programs. Sober houses serve as a transitional environment between such programs and mainstream society. Sober living home information is provided by sober house operators. We try to provide current information but cannot monitor every recovery home listing and do not guarantee the accuracy of listings. OneSober is dedicated to assisting men and women in their journey of recovery. If you are serious about your sobriety and want a safe and friendly place to continue your recovery, you will find it here. We are all related through a common disease and a deep desire to establish a new life based on self respect, integrity and dedication to substance free living while helping others. LoPresti ParkLoPresti Park, is a newly refurbished, 4-acre waterfront park in the Maverick Square area. Menus Still owned and operated by the Santarpio family, the award winning pizzeria is prized for its pies but also serves an assortment of other maverick house east boston foods. If you are seeking drug and alcohol related addiction rehab for yourself or a loved one, the sponsored hotline is a confidential and convenient solution. Please provide your verification details which will be used for claim procedure. Please provide your business email which will be use for claim procedure. We expect members to attend school, work or do a combination of these things, which consists of a full day’s activities. Or 12 STEP, religious meetings or clinical group therapy at least twice a week, have a sponsor and be working on your recovery because sobriety is our primary purpose. Alternatives to finding addiction treatment or learning about substance abuse: Still owned and operated by the Santarpio family, the award winning pizzeria is prized for its pies but also serves an assortment of other foods. Known for its great burgers and friendly staff, including the owner, it’s a welcoming spot with outdoor seating that’s enjoyable in the summer. Maverick Men’s House is a men’s sober house in East Boston, MA. If you would like to add a listing to our sober house directory, please let us know. Sober living homes are group residences for people who are recovering from addiction. Maverick House Tavern will be closed for 30 to 60 days while we refresh and rebrand our concept. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and will see you soon. The goal of OneSober is to be a zero tolerance community. Maverick Men’s House is a men’s sober house in East Boston, MA. The menu for Maverick House Tavern may have changed since the last user update. Sirved does not guarantee prices or the availability of menu items. If you would like to add a listing to our sober house directory, please let us know. Sober living homes are group residences for people who are recovering from addiction. In most instances, people who live in sober homes have to follow certain house rules and contribute to the home by doing chores. Most importantly, residents must stay sober throughout their stay in the home. Menus The Maverick House serviced travelers on the Eastern Railroad line and it was a popular place with students. The Maverick House was destroyed by fire and rebuilt several times. Noah Sturtevant led the final rebuild, and in 1857 it was ranked as one of the largest and finest hotels of the time. Terms Customers are free to download these images, but not use these digital files (watermarked by the Sirved logo) for any commercial purpose, without prior written permission of Sirved. World Famous Santarpio’s PizzaSome say it’s one of Boston’s most famous restaurants. Located at 111 Chelsea St. it was originally established in 1903. It was a popular summer resort and a favorite resting spot for those who traveled on the Cunard steamship lines. In its spot today rests the East Boston Neighborhood Community Heath Center. We are a place for you to develop coping skills that will help you master the social and professional demands of society. We are a place for you to find peace and safety to function in a drug and alcohol free environment and you need to care for the house and yourself accordingly. Accountability is a common value shared by the entire community. Willingness and cooperation are the basic requirements shared by all members.

Software development

Sage And Tractics Announce Partnership To Ship A Powerhouse Cloud Resolution For Heavy Civil Contractors

This adaptability to the dynamic market landscape cements Sage X3 as the final word choice for engineering excellence within the Middle East. Sage X3 ERP presents rich & integrated performance to assist core business processes required in the development aggregates business – with minimal IT investment and resources. From procurement to warehousing, production, sales, customer service and monetary management, Sage X3 higher manages your corporation on a worldwide scale. Sage X3 is a cloud-based enterprise useful resource planning (ERP) software program designed for mid-sized to large businesses. It streamlines core enterprise processes like accounting, financials, supply chain, manufacturing, project management, purchasing, gross sales, buyer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise intelligence into one unified system. The world-class financial and accounting capabilities of Sage X3 / Enterprise Management are fully embedded throughout sage x3 developer your construction management processes to ensure steady visibility and unprecedented ranges of control over monetary belongings. What Stage Of Help Does Sage X3 Offer? Sage X3 helps engineering corporations handle stock, track materials usage, and optimize procurement for smooth manufacturing runs and cost control. Smartworld lately partnered with Sage to power Software Сonfiguration Management its inner processes and operations. “Smartworld, UAE’s main Master Systems Integrator and award-winning Etisalat Premium Business Partner. Sage Business Cloud X3 provides faster, more intuitive and tailor-made business administration solutions than traditional ERP for organizations trying to retain their competitive advantage by increasing their agility and embracing change. As an administrator, I regularly run into assist and debugging points with the applying as a end result of a lot of them aren’t clearly documented. From the second of login, users are greeted with stunning, role-based dashboard reviews that showcase key project milestones, actions, and alerts to any dangers gadgets needing attention. About SageSage exists to knock down barriers so everyone can thrive, beginning with the hundreds of thousands of small- and mid-sized companies served by us, our companions, and accountants. Sage X3 For The Development Aggregates Industry EVM was developed in the Nineteen Sixties to assist project managers measure project efficiency, but has only just begun to realize momentum within the trade because the software program to seize the required information has turn into more prevalent. For over 50 years Construction firms have turned to Sage for their https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ Finance, Preconstruction, and Operations needs. With over 50,000 customers and the largest associate community in the industry, Sage is well known for the being probably the most trusted supplier of innovative and reliable enterprise management software program. Why Select Sage X3 Erp For Engineering Industry? Sage X3 is greatest recognized for its robust AI machine-learning instruments that make financial forecasting and decision-making simpler. A key feature is its predictive analytics engine, which makes use of past data and real-time info to create correct financial forecasts and insights. This units Sage’s predictive model apart from others as a end result of it helps businesses predict market trends, spot risks, and make smart selections confidently. Sage X3, a robust ERP answer, supplies superior functionality tailored to industries like chemical, distribution, equipment, and industrial manufacturing. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, it presents complete analytics within a multi-company, multi-country, and multi-site ERP framework. Despite missing Quality Control features, the software’s construction facilitates smooth navigation, incorporating useful normal functionalities. About SageSage exists to knock down barriers so everybody can thrive, starting with the hundreds of thousands of small- and mid-sized businesses served by us, our companions, and accountants. Sage ERP system for engineering firms helps companies track and manage tasks with real-time knowledge, optimizing useful resource allocation. Due to its scalability and customizability, it’s a popular choice for corporations in various industries, similar to distribution, manufacturing, and project administration. The Sage X3 ERP consists of a range of modules, from which Sage X3FC has been developed specifically for the construction business. Sage X3FC has reworked a selection of leading construction corporations to prepare their tasks, documents and costing seamlessly in a productive manner. Sage X3FC is a model new, modern, and built-in business development administration resolution that empowers E&C firms to have management of their initiatives, cut back risks, and protect project profitability. Our Solutions can be found in United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Sage exists to knock down barriers so everyone can thrive, beginning with the hundreds of thousands of small- and mid-sized businesses served by us, our partners, and accountants. Customers belief our finance, HR, and payroll software to make work and cash move. By digitizing business processes and relationships with prospects, suppliers, employees, banks, and governments, our digital community connects SMBs, removing friction and delivering insights. Knocking down limitations also means we use our time, technology, and expertise to tackle digital inequality, financial inequality, and the climate crisis. The ERP system helps engineering initiatives follow trade laws and standards by monitoring high quality metrics, managing paperwork, and automating compliance processes. Sage X3 features a host of monetary tools such as common ledger, accounts payable/receivable, budgeting, forecasting, and financial data extraction. These tools guarantee streamlined monetary administration in addition to the accuracy of knowledge. Triad Software Services – a number one Platinum Partner to Sage Middle East – will lead the project with a domain-led group to totally automate enterprise and operational processes critical to Smartworld. Sage X3 ERP for construction industry and infrastructure stands as the top solution for engineering companies within the Middle East, tailored to fulfill their distinct necessities. Its superior project management capabilities enable precise timeline tracking, useful resource allocation, and budget management, which are important for efficient operations. Seamlessly integrating collaborative capabilities, Sage X3 engineering ERP software enhances communication and workflow across departments, fostering synergy within groups. With robust analytics and reporting functionalities, companies acquire invaluable insights into project performance, useful resource utilization, and profitability metrics, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning. This includes native multi-ledger and multi-currency assist to handle different sites, business entities, and multiple projects all from one, integrated system. Today, the answer empowers project managers and other stakeholders around

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